which is the best programming language for beginner?

Best Dot Net Training ForumsCategory: Trainingwhich is the best programming language for beginner?
Sreenu asked 7 years ago

Hi, I am ECE student I want learning programming language which is the best for me


which is the best programming language for beginner

Hi, I am ECE student I want learning programming language which is the best for me

which is the best programming language for beginner


1 Answers
sandeepsoni Staff answered 7 years ago

For any beginners who have just started to learn how to code or for anyone who would like to start it can be a little bit daunting! There are many different programming languages to choose from and sometimes it can be difficult to choose which one to start with or which one would suit you.
Here is a list of 2 of the most popular programs among beginners compiled by the Bestdotnettraining
ASP.NET MVC Training
MVC is a separation concern design pattern just by breaking the program down into the three MVC components.
Model: The classes which are used to store and manipulate state, typically in a database of some kind and annotations.
View: The user interface bits (in this case, HTML) necessary to render the model to the user.
Controller: The brains of the application. The controller decides what the user’s input was, how the model needs to change as a result of that input, and which resulting view should be used.
The best tutorials to learn ASP.NET and C# are from Bestdotnettraining.
BestDotnetTraining provides free Introductory Videos, and Live online training to help Developers, IT and Data Professionals, and students learn the latest technology, build their skills, and advance their careers.
Top C# courses in BDT:
C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC5.2
Entity Framework
And during studying courses in BDT you will have tests for each level and points you finish also finally can gain a certificate after course completion.
Also after learning and finishing tutorials, you can check free .NET open source projects to try to develop a project by yourself.
JAVA Online training

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Java 1.0 was released in 1995 on the principle of ‘Write Once Run Anywhere’.  It is a class-based, object-oriented language which is designed to be portable which means that you can find it on all platforms, operating systems and devices.
Java is usually the standard programming language for interactive web-based content, video games and mobile apps. It adds to the capabilities of the C++ language so if you already have a knowledge of C++ it will help with learning Java, but is not necessary. Some people can find Java slightly hard to grasp to begin with but it is a must learn for beginners.
Java has been used for so long that there is lots of information about it on the web. This is ideal for beginners because this means that almost certainly any question you have has already been asked and answered by someone else in the Java community. It has an incredible toolset and great editors which let you know straight away if you have any errors. Java programming is a highly sought after skill and knowledge of it opens a lot of doors in terms of employment.
Learn Java here
Computer programming is quickly becoming a huge necessity within our lives. Today, in 90% of professional jobs some degree of computer literacy is expected, with knowledge of coding becoming a huge advantage. Having an insight into the technology that powers our everyday lives is so interesting and beneficial, which is why we should all be inspired to learn to code!