Around the world, serious lottery players are searching for lottery number patterns that can provide them one advantage. There is one such lottery strategy that is proven to provide them an edge. It utilizes lottery number patterns that exist in all of the lotteries. They’re called Longshots.
Should you not know what Longshots are, we’ll begin with some history and a definition. A couple of years back there was a lottery strategy that became rather popular that, for lack of a greater name, we’ll call the Hot Number Strategy. Together with it came the common marketing hype that you would expect. The pitch went something like this:
Since more than 80% of all winning lottery numbers Hit within the last 10 drawings, create your play list from the winners within the last 10 drawings. This can increase your prospects of winning the lottery.
Initially, it sounds plausible enough. But, let’s think of this. Implicit in the strategy is the opposite side of the coin. Any lottery numbers that haven’t Hit in the last 10 drawings are thought about a rather dubious pick. Hence, these lottery numbers were named Longshots. The name persists to this day and I even use it. Still, I don’t malign the utilization of Longshots. Actually, I applaud them. Including Longshots in a play list is definitely an absolute necessity for just about any viable lottery strategy.
For all of those lottery players who got caught up within the Hot Number Strategy hype, this was, without doubt, a really expensive lesson. A great deal of money was spent with little to show for it.
Excluding Longshots resulted in a Hot Number Strategy disaster. The thing is, including Longshots is important to any viable lottery strategy because, on the regular, 25% to 40% of the winning numbers are Longshots! You heard me right; 25% to 40%.
This has been true for every lottery in the US and Canada for over twenty years. That’s when I started analyzing them. The percentage varies from lottery to lottery as the size of the lotteries change. For instance, the percentage is higher for a 6/52 lottery than it’s for a 6/44 lottery. But, you can rest assured that this lottery number pattern is as solid as a rock.
It’s simple for someone to verify this. Well, maybe without a superb lottery software program, not so simple. Yet, no matter what, this really is the approach. List all the lottery numbers which have Hit within the last 10 drawings for each lottery drawing. Any lottery number not in the list has to be a Longshot. Count the number of winning numbers within the next drawing that were Longshots. Do this for the whole lottery history. If you average the number of Longshots who were winners, you shall find the answer lies somewhere between 25 and 40 percent.
How can you take advantage of these details? Assuming that the answer you got was 30%, online gambling agency then, on a normal, 30% of the winning numbers within the next drawing will be Longshots. If you were playing a 6/48 lottery, it means that you should expect 1.8 winning numbers to be Longshots. (30% x 6 = 1.8) Keep in mind, this will not happen every drawing but it is unwaveringly persistent over-time. By way of example, in Lotto Texas, at least 1 of the winning numbers is a Longshot 89% of the time! Quite simply, you may count on it.
This shows why the Hot Number Strategy practitioners wasted so much cash. On an average, their play lists were coming up 1.8 numbers short. This must happen to be (and still is) very frustrating for the players using this weak lottery strategy.
Some of you are, without doubt, asking the way you can take advantage of Longshot whenever you play. Continuing with the example above, it is very simple. Let’s say you decide to pare down a 48 number lottery to a 37 number play list with the help of lottery analysis software. Not much of a bad strategy since you have eliminated 9,946,728 wagers from play! Since you are expecting 30% of the winning lottery numbers to be Longshots, you ensure that 11 of those 37 lottery numbers within your play list are Longshots. (30%x37=11.1)
It really is hard to imagine any lottery strategy that doesn’t include Longshots. Serious lottery players everywhere use it. This is called playing the odds. In fact, that is what all successful gamblers do; play the odds.